
A Christ-Centered, Classical Approach to Learning

at the Kindergarten Level

Cultivating Wonder, Sparking Joy

Delaware Valley Classical School is a private, Christian school that uses a classical educational approach. This approach complements a child’s natural learning process by educating in a way that God has designed them to learn. At the kindergarten level and throughout the grammar stage at DVCS, children love to sing, chant, memorize, recite, color, draw, paint, and play. In our kindergarten classroom, children are guided through discovery as they investigate what they learn in the classroom with the world around them.  Our kindergarten class is also encouraged to learn through the use of tactile items and body movements.

The DVCS kindergarten curriculum is unique in the following ways:

  • Cursive handwriting
  • Strong proven phonics program (Spell to Write and Read) and Veritas Phonics Museum
  • Bible instruction and Bible memory
  • Choral singing and music instruction
  • Chants, songs, and jingles
  • Small class size with much individualized attention
  • Exposure to classic books and art
  • Etiquette training
  • Joyful rigor

DVCS partners with parents to help our kindergarten students learn how to learn and make important connections with what they already know with information that they are currently learning. Kindergarten also teaches the important foundational skills of perseverance and patience which contributes to the success of a student later in life. To learn more about our kindergarten program at DVCS or about classical Christian education and the stages of the trivium, please schedule a visit to see this excellent way of teaching in action.

The DVCS Kindergarten class attended a special tea at Greenville Country Club, where they practiced what they have learned in etiquette class throughout the year while enjoying food and conversation with one another.